MICHAEL REHM - (510) 418-0820
No one should have to suffer the trauma of sexual abuse, especially not a child. Unfortunately, this type of abuse is all too common in the United States. The good news is that there are laws in place to help victims seek justice. The California Child Victims Act was passed in 2019 and gives sexual abuse survivors more time to file a claim against their abuser. If you or someone you love has been sexually abused, read on to learn more about the Act and how it can help you get the justice you deserve. For a free and confidential consultation, contact The Law Office of Michael Rehm today at (510) 418-0820 .
How The California Child Victims Act Is Helping Survivors
If you or someone you love has been sexually abused as a child, it is important to know that you are not alone and that there are laws in place to help you get the justice you deserve. The California Child Victims Act provides survivors with more time to file a lawsuit and creates a “window” during which expired claims can be brought forward. If you are ready to act, contact an experienced lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and get started on your path to healing.
This is significant because many survivors of childhood sexual abuse do not come forward until later in life. They may be too scared or ashamed to tell anyone what happened, or they may not even remember the abuse until they are triggered by something later in life. The extension of the statute of limitations gives survivors more time to process what happened and make a decision about whether or not to file a lawsuit.
Child Sexual Abuse Cases in Berkeley, CA
A lawsuit was filed in March 2022, alleging that staff members at two different elementary schools in Berkeley School District sexually abused students, and the schools failed to take action to stop the abuse. The allegations date back to as far as 1967. While this claim would have been impossible to bring forth a few years ago, The California Child Victims Act changed this. All childhood sexual abuse survivors can file a civil lawsuit until December 31, 2022, regardless of when the abuse occurred.
According to the allegations, one of the teachers involved in the abuse had a reputation for abusing minors, and the school should have known or did know about this. Instead of taking appropriate action, the school allowed it to continue by failing to take action and by covering it up. Parents complained about the abuse, but staff ignored these complaints and failed to report or investigate them.
Contact Attorney Michael Rehm for Help
If you were sexually abused as a child in school, it is important for you to know that there are people who care about what happened to you and who want to help you through this difficult time. There are many steps you can take after suffering from sexual abuse, from talking to someone who can help support you emotionally to taking legal action against your abuser or the school district – regardless of how long ago this abuse occurred. Attorney Michael Rehm has experience handling these cases and understands the personal and delicate nature of them. He will do everything in his power to protect you and fight for what you deserve. For a free and confidential consultation, contact The Law Office of Michael Rehm today at (510) 418-0820.